WoW Pets


“Burrow under the ground, becoming unattackable for one round.

On the next round, you attack, dealing 30 Beast damage.”

Ability info

  • 100% Hit Chance
  • No cooldown.

Battle Pets with the Burrow ability

spell_nature_guardianward Crimson Snake type7 inv_misc_rabbit Hare type4 inv_pet_redpanda_brown Mountain Panda type7 ability_hunter_snaketrap Ash Viper type7 ability_hunter_pet_worm Festering Maggot type7 ability_hunter_snaketrap Emerald Boa type7 inv_misc_rabbit Arctic Hare type4 ability_hunter_snaketrap Rat Snake type7 ability_hunter_snaketrap Rattlesnake type7 inv_quilinpet Lucky Quilen Cub type4 spell_nature_guardianward King Snake type7 ability_hunter_snaketrap Moccasin type7 inv_misc_rabbit Alpine Hare type4 inv_crate_02 Brown Rabbit type4 ability_hunter_snaketrap Adder type7 ability_hunter_snaketrap Sidewinder type7 inv_misc_food_vendor_boiledsilkwormpupa Maggot type7 inv_misc_rabbit Tolai Hare Pup type4 ability_hunter_cobrastrikes Cobra Hatchling type7 inv_misc_rabbit Mountain Cottontail type4 ability_hunter_pet_corehound Core Hound Pup type6 inv_prairiedog_brown Brown Prairie Dog type4 ability_hunter_snaketrap Tree Python type7 inv_misc_rabbit Grasslands Cottontail type4 inv_prairiedog_brown Brown Marmot type4 ability_hunter_snaketrap Rock Viper type7 inv_prairiedog_brown Borean Marmot type4 inv_prairiedog_brown Yellow-Bellied Marmot type4 ability_hunter_snaketrap Temple Snake type7 ability_hunter_snaketrap Grove Viper type7 ability_hunter_snaketrap Zooey Snake type7 spell_nature_guardianward Brown Snake type7 inv_pet_maggot Jungle Grub type7 inv_pet_maggot Imperial Silkworm type4 inv_pet_prairiedog Prairie Dog type4 inv_misc_food_vendor_boiledsilkwormpupa Larva type7 ability_hunter_snaketrap Coral Adder type7 inv_misc_rabbit Elfin Rabbit type4 inv_crate_02 Snowshoe Rabbit type4 spell_nature_guardianward Albino Snake type7 ability_hunter_snaketrap Coral Snake type7 inv_pet_pythonblack Elder Python type7 inv_misc_bone_01 Perky Pug type4 inv_jewelcrafting_crimsonhare Darkmoon Rabbit type4 inv_misc_rabbit Snowshoe Hare type4 inv_misc_rabbit Tolai Hare type4 ability_pet_baneling Baneling type4 spell_nature_guardianward Black Kingsnake type7 inv_misc_food_54 Spring Rabbit type4 inv_misc_rabbit Rabbit type4 ability_hunter_snaketrap Snake type7 ability_hunter_snaketrap Water Snake type7 inv_pet_maggot Mr. Grubbs type7 inv_qiraj_skinsandworm Devouring Maggot type7 inv_pet_pythonbrown Death Adder Hatchling type7 inv_pet_maggot Gu'chi Swarmling type4 ability_vanish Dust Bunny type4 ability_hunter_pet_spider Burrow Spiderling type7 inv_misc_rabbit Olivetail Hare type4 inv_qiraj_skinsandworm Terror Larva type7 inv_pet_spiderdemon Vicious Broodling type7 spell_nature_guardianward Slithering Brownscale type7 inv_pet_spiderdemon Crystalline Broodling type7 inv_pet_spiderdemon Thornclaw Broodling type7 inv_pet_spiderdemon Leyline Broodling type7 inv_robotpet Trigger type9 achievement_brewery_1 Sneaky Marmot type4 inv_feasel_purple Orphaned Marsuul type4 ability_hunter_pet_worm Dreadmaw type7 ability_demonhunter_demonspikes2 Antoran Bile Larva type7 ability_demonhunter_demonspikes2 Bile Larva type7 inv_feasel_fel Felclaw Marsuul type4 ability_demonhunter_demonspikes2 Fossorial Bile Larva type7 inv_misc_rabbit_2 Noblegarden Bunny type4 inv_jewelcrafting_jadeserpent Cavern Moccasin type7 inv_feasel_blue Pygmy Marsuul type4 inv_bloodticklarvae Glutted Bleeder type4 inv_prairiedog_brown Vale Marmot type7 inv_mechanicalprairiedog_orange Mechanical Prairie Dog type9 inv_scarab_gold Giant Woodworm type4 inv_mechanicalprairiedog_blue Rooter type9 inv_scarab_gold Golden Beetle type4 inv_babykomododragon_purple Saurolisk Hatchling type1 ability_hunter_pet_worm Bloodstone Tunneler type7 achievement_raid_mantidraid05 Spawn of Garalon type7 inv_prairiedog_tan Mechagon Marmot type4 inv_mechanicalprairiedog_yellow Specimen 97 type9 inv_mechanicalprairiedog_copper Alloyed Alleyrat type9 inv_mechanicalprairiedog_green Scrapyard Tunneler type9 inv_seaslugred Wriggler type4 spell_sandelemental Sandkeep type6 inv_capybara_albino Snowsoft Nibbler type7 inv_capybara_purple Mustyfur Snooter type7 ability_demonhunter_demonspikes2 Aqir Tunneler type4 inv_decomposersmallyellow Hungry Burrower type4 inv_decomposersmallblack Spinemaw Gormling type4 inv_progenitorrabbitred Vicious Leporid type4 inv_bloodlousepet_green Plaguelouse Larva type4 inv_progenitorwombatmount Archetype of Discovery type7 inv_progenitorrabbitblack Archetype of Multiplicity type4 inv_progenitorbeetlebronze Metallic Scarabid type4 inv_squirrelardenweald_blue Runelight Leaper type4 inv_progenitorwormpetwhite Viperid Menace type7 inv_bloodlousepet_white Corpselouse Larva type4 inv_bloodlousepet_black Bloodlouse Larva type4 inv_progenitorwormpetblue Archetype of Cunning type7 inv_progenitorwormpetred Red Viperid type7 inv_progenitorwormpetgreen Green Viperid type7 inv_progenitorspidermount_red Tarachnid Ambusher type7 inv_progenitorbeetleblack Archetype of Survival type4 inv_rabbitshaggy_white Pricklefury Hare type4 inv_progenitorbeetlered Fierce Scarabid type4 inv_progenitorrabbitgold Timid Leporid type4 inv_progenitorwombatmount_red Momma Vombata type7 inv_mouserock_purple Jerrie type4 inv_viperrock2_green Mikah type7 inv_viperrock2_blue Skaarn type7 inv_dreampanda_dark Fol'ya Pup type4 inv_dreampanda_red Napps type4 inv_mousehearthstone Sarge type4 inv_babymolepet_light Wobbles type6 inv_babymolepet_pink Pinkskin Burrower type7 inv_achievement_raidnerubian_swarmmother Chitin Burrower type7 inv_bloodticklarvaedarkred Frenzied Bloodtick type4 inv_caveborercritter_brown Common Ploughworm type4 inv_babymolepet_dark Snuffling type7 inv_babymolepet_blue Sneef type7 inv_babymolepet_green Guacamole type7