This pet has not yet been obtained by any known characters!
Blasts the enemy with fire, dealing 21 Elemental damage.
Increases your team's hit chance by 20% for 9 rounds.
Deals 30 Elemental damage.
Deals 10 Elemental additional damage if the target is Burning.
Spiritfire Bolt
Hurls a bolt of mystical fire at the enemy, dealing 22 Magic damage.
Scorched Earth
Scorches the ground, dealing 27 Dragonkin damage and dealing 4 Dragonkin damage to all active pets each round for 9 rounds.
During Scorched Earth, all pets count as Burning.
Forboding Curse
Adds 4 damage to every attack against the target and reduces the target's speed by 25%.
Lasts 4 rounds.