This pet has not yet been obtained by any known characters!
Lashes the enemy 1-2 times, dealing 10 Elemental damage per lash.
Hits an additional time if the user attacks first.
A natural shield surrounds the user and each friendly critter, blocking the next attack they would take. Lasts 6 rounds.
Fist of the Forest
Deals 40 Elemental damage.
Bashes the enemy, dealing 20 Humanoid damage.
Leech Seed
Plants a seed in the target, instantly dealing 10 Elemental damage and restoring 10 health to the user. The seed lasts for 1 round.
Each round, the seed deals 5 Elemental damage and restores that damage as health to the user.
Sons of the Root
Submerge, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, the Sons of the Root attack the opponent, dealing 5 Elemental damage each round.