This pet has not yet been obtained by any known characters!
Pet Battle
Scratches the enemy, dealing 20 Critter damage.
Calls down a mudslide, dealing 36 Critter damage and causing muddy weather for 9 rounds.
Muddy weather prevents any pet that enters the battlefield from swapping out for 3 rounds, and increases all critical damage dealt by 25%.
Causes a whirlpool to form under the enemy pet.
In two rounds, the opponent's pet will take 30 Aquatic damage and be rooted for 2 rounds.
Steam Vent
Blasts the target with steam, dealing 22 Aquatic damage.
First use: Increases your damage dealt by 10%.
Second use: Blasts the target with a surge of water, dealing 45 Aquatic damage.
Deals 30 Beast damage and has a 25% chance to stun the target.