This pet has not yet been obtained by any known characters!
Bow Shot
Takes a shot, dealing 20 Humanoid damage.
The user transforms into an unholy spirit and enters the target, dealing 10 Undead damage every round.
While haunting a target, the user is considered dead.
Unholy Ascension
Sacrifices your remaining life to haunt the enemy team, increasing all damage they take by 25% for 9 rounds.
Lets out a loud shriek, dealing 10 Dragonkin damage and reducing the damage the target deals by 25% for 3 rounds.
Call Darkness
A shadow falls across the battlefield, dealing 45 Humanoid damage and turning the weather to Darkness for 5 rounds.
During Darkness, all pets are considered Blinded and all healing received is reduced by 50%.
Raise Dead
Bring all other friendly pets back to life, returning them to 5% health.