This pet has not yet been obtained by any known characters!
Tramples the target, dealing 10 Beast damage plus an additional 10% of the target's health.
Starts a stampede, causing 9 Critter damage on the first round, 15 Critter on the second round, and 21 Critter on the third round.
Opponents struck by the stampede take 50% increased damage for 2 rounds.
Stampede continues for 3 rounds.
Goes on rampage, dealing 25 Beast damage.
Rampage continues for 3 rounds.
Bone Bite
Bites at the enemy, dealing 20 Undead damage.
Deals 20 Beast damage.
If the user kills an enemy with Ravage, they restore 20 health.
Ravage continues for 2 rounds.
Mud Rake
Kick up a mudslide, dealing 27 Beast damage and causing muddy weather for 9 rounds.
Muddy weather prevents any pet that enters the battlefield from swapping out for 3 rounds, and increases all critical damage dealt by 25%.