This pet has not yet been obtained by any known characters!
This pet was available only for China in 2006 through an iCoke promotion that coincided with the release of World of Warcraft in mainland China.
No longer available in-game.
Overwhelms the enemy with draconic breath, dealing 21 Dragonkin damage.
Call Lightning
Deals 45 Mechanical damage and causes a Lightning Storm for 5 rounds.
During a Lightning Storm, all pets deal 2 bonus Mechanical damage on each attack and Mechanical abilities deal 25% additional damage.
Creates a cyclone which has a 35% chance to deal 6 Flying damage to the enemy team each round.
Lasts 5 rounds.
Tail Sweep
Deals 18 Dragonkin damage, or 25 Dragonkin damage if the user strikes last.
A fierce roar deals 10 Beast damage and enrages the user, increasing the damage they deal by 25% for 3 rounds.
Fly up high, becoming unattackable for one round.
On the next round, you attack, dealing 30 Flying damage.